Monday, July 23, 2012

Thank notes

What are thankful for today?

    mommy and daddy sending me to the camp at marine science institute
    daddy cooking us a yummy dinner

    mommy packing me lunch
    daddy cooking us burgers and broccoli

    having the time to buy fruit and veggies for the week

    playing ultimate frisbee without injuring myself
    having beautiful and smart girls

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Yuck! - by Alaya

My dad is cooking dinner
I tell him no vegetables for me!
But then I see a gigantic plate of
asparagus and brussel sprouts!
I tell him I won't eat those
But at dinner I find out
they are just noodles

Hiking - by Alaya

My mother says I have to go
I tell her I've got the measles
She tells me that I'm just excited
then I tell her I have a cold
I tell her my forehead is burning hot
and that it's going to explode
My mother takes my temperature
I tell her I think it's gone
I tell her my head is bruised
She touches my head and
I say ouch! that hurts!
She calls me a silly goose
I tell her my leg broke in half
She tells me she looked at it and
it was just a red mark
I finally get out of bed
When we come back from hiking
I tell my mother
Can we do that again?